Recently completed projects

Alzheimer Drug Therapy Initiative (ADTI)

The Alzheimer's Drug Therapy Initiative (ADTI) provides coverage of one class of medication to qualifying individuals with memory loss including Alzheimer's disease, through BC PharmaCare, while simultaneously funding several research projects to help address some of the problems with the current state of knowledge about these medications.

Alzheimer's Drug Therapy Initiative: Research Report 

Read ADTI study information and related journal articles.

Read reports from the Alzheimer's Drug Therapy Review.

For more information about the study, please email  or call 250-472-4464.

British Columbia Trajectories in Care Study (BC-TICS)

The British Columbia Trajectories in Care Study (BC-TICS) draws on the expertise of an interdisciplinary research team, including both university-based researchers and community-based health care decision-makers, to identify and assess the main transitions (across care systems) and trajectories (changes while in specific care subsystems) experienced by older adults as clients and/or residents of home care, assisted living and/or long-term residential care.

Read the results here 

Download the PDF

For more information about the study, please email   250-472-4469.

Canadian Driving Research Initiative for Vehicular Safety in the Elderly (Candrive)

Candrive is a Canadian research program aimed at improving the safety and quality-of-life of older drivers.

Established in 2002 as a result of Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) NET Grant funding, Candrive is a network of diverse Canadian researchers interested in older driver issues. Research members of Candrive include occupational therapists, physiotherapists, psychologists, kinesiologists, epidemiologists, and a number of medical specialists in geriatric medicine, physical medicine and rehabilitation, rheumatology and geriatric psychiatry.

Dr. Holly Tuokko is one of the principal applicants for the Candrive study with 125 of the 928 participants in the study being assessed between 2009-2015 by Dr. Phyllis McGee at the Institute on Aging and Lifelong Health.

Visit the Candrive website

Technology Supports for Community- Dwelling Older Adults with Dementia and Family Caregivers

Drs.  (School of Nursing, UVic) and  (Continuing Health Services, Island Health) are co-investigators on a research project Technology Supports for Community—Dwelling Older Adults with Dementia and Family Caregivers, funded for one year by Island Health. The study will test a new comprehensive model of technology integration aimed at caregiving for older adults with dementia.

Objectives of the study include:

  1. characterizing the caregiving needs of older adults with dementia,
  2. identifying a comprehensive suite of technologies to provide a finite period of caregiving respite; and
  3. pilot testing the integrated technologies in the real world with home care clients.

Outcomes of the study will provide a roadmap for the future development of caregiving technology.

Read the outcomes